Hydrating Facial

Hydrating skin is one of the most important topic for us. In the United States, we always turn on air-conditioner in the summer and heating system in the winter, our skin is so easy to dry out from this environment that we are in. Most of us have some sort of dry skin issues, and it is so easy for us to neglect to moisture our skin.

Our skins have 5 layers, most of the products only can moisture the top layer of our skins. It is necessary to use advance technology products and machines to ensure our skins are fully moisture in all layers.

Some potential causes of dry or dehydrated skin on the face include:

  • cold weather
  • dry air
  • exposure to harsh chemicals in soaps or other products
  • washing the skin excessively
  • unbalanced skin pH
  • skin conditions, such as atomic dermatitis, seborrhea dermatitis, and psoriasis
  • diabetes
  • hypothyroidism
  • smoking
  • spending too much time in direct sunlight

Dry skin can be itchy, and it may look flaky and bumpy or have red patches. Dehydrated skin lacks water and appears dull or rough.

Effective Hydrating Treatments: